Sunday, 4 September 2011


Much to the true nature of myself i've booked a holiday for me, myself and Mr B
 If your nosey we're going to the Marhaba Beach hotel, Sousse, Tunisia. All inclusive, 7nts £299 per person. BOOM. So I initially went in to see what star the hotel was, and left with a receipt. =/  oh well, lifes to short.

So til November 16th I'll be obsessing over my weight I think it's a achievable goal. As yesterday I consumed a years worth of Cantonese and nibbles and alcohol from 1:30 and i'm starving now. So I've sent Mr B out into the wild to catch me a bacon roll, and a greggs hot chocolate. Yes greggs do hot chocolate. And without a doubt it is the nicest hot chocolate in the world...... next to Costa.. But for a fraction of the price.

 And I love a good bargain me. Mr B is desperate for a denim jacket, so anyone that can point us in the right direction it would be much appreciated =].

I am officially skint now though, so today I will be mostly playing Driver, Zombies and possibly crash Bandicoot.

Also, can anyone recommend a book, nothing to dramatic, or long winded or difficult. Or sweet and innocent. I've discovered I like books about mental people that are interesting. Or comedys... Not to into full on fantasties like Twilight but ya never know. Nothing main stream. I've never read a book on my own terms in my life but I want one to take on holiday. Not that i'll finish it like. It takes me forever to read. And if i get into it in a couple years I might get a kindle.... but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Comments below.


Thursday, 1 September 2011

Friday, Friday!?

Yes, I'm aware it's Thursday.

My gum is sore. My womb is redecorating and i'm watching a programme about 9/11..

On a serious note, I wretch watching the 'jumpers' but to cheer everyone up... the majority of those that jumped would of been dead before they hit the ground through shock.

On a lighter note I'm addicted to water bottles. and not the drinking ones...i guess you could drink from a hot water bottle, but it wouldn't taste very nice.

Another film for you all to flock to the local theatrical centre to see.

Also a app I rate this week is Pretty Pet Salon. Addictive but hard gives my finger cramp.

This is only a short blog.. fortunately I can cover with quality not quantity... however this blog carries neither but that's not important. At least I contributed today. I feel a rant coming on tomorrow about something trivial.

Oh no, here we go. I'm getting so irritated by people forgetting 'if it ain't broke. don't fix it' everything has an update or a new cover or a new bit that flips out. 60watt bulbs aren't being sold any more. Why that's backwards, they are BETTER than the energy efficient ones. We live in such a disposable world, nothing holds value any more. Thats why people riot, thats why people are frustrated, thats why we crave fame, to have more money to throw away on tat.

What are your thoughts of the day?